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Creating proper garage door seals with our line of door seal products is the first step in making your home more energy efficient, in addition to helping keep out heavy rain, excess water, pests, dust and pollen. A garage door threshold creates a seal that blocks out the elements by closing the gap between the door and the floor. A nice tight seal keeps the inside of your garage sealed against the outside elements improving your homes overall energy efficiency.
Our garage door threshold kits are easy to install, and come complete with threshold, adhesive, and instructions. Our new Xtreme Weather Guard Garage Door Threshold comes in Standard 3" Width, or our Extra Large 6" Width.
Garage Door Bottom Seal Material. We stock a large selection of replacement garage door bottom seal weatherstripping, and complete garage door seal kits. We custom cut the garage door seal material to the size you need. If your bottom seal has been discontinued by the garage door company, we may have a generic style that will work, or you may consider replacing your Bottom Seal Retainer as well.
Threshold & Seal Products ship out same day or by next business day. REQUEST A FREE SAMPLE | PRINT BROCHURE Click Here for more product details and common questions / answers